That the Federation pays for the shipping of the white board for score results. (AGM April 2003) That the host club provide the Trophy Steward (Federation Vice President) a list of the winners names, addresses and contact details and vehicle type, eg , 2 door / van / Ute / hi lite / lo lite etc (AGM April 2001)
That the host club sends out a list of winners to all clubs within 1 month after the convention.(AGM September 1994) No ownership details to be displayed on vehicles during judging. (AGM Sept 2000)
Peoples choice 1 vote per registered member attending.(AGM April 2009)
That 1 person only Federation President or a person nominated by the Federation is sole person to adjudicate with the judges or judging system, be advised by, but have final say . (AGM March 2002 and confirmed AGM April 2003)
Trophy winners vehicles to be on display on the Sunday for all to view, host club to organize as appropriate . (AGM Sept 2000).
1 Trophy 1 prize , Agreed unanimously by all delegates present , That 1 Trophy / 1 prize concept be adopted at future National conventions, 1 vehicle could receive Class trophy, best of show trophy and peoples choice trophy, but not be called up to receive each presentation separately. That a certificate of merit be awarded along with any trophy an entrant may receive. (AGM Sept 1996 plus AGM Sept 2000). Since 2000 there have been 3 more trophies added and the winner could receive one of these also. That club scrutinizers to sign the entry form for which class the vehicle should be entered under, before returning form to host club.
The Club Shield is awarded to the club whose top 5 vehicles total the highest judging points (AGM Sept 2000). It has been an unwritten rule since 1993 that independent judges should be used , People in their chosen fields of work.A person appointed by host club to judge any vehicle at the convention may NOT under any circumstances enter their vehicle in that competion. (AGM April 2009).
That the host club provides clipboards and scribers to take down the judges scores, NO input from these people to the judges.
Suggest that the score board not be displayed until the Sunday night (after the host club prize giving,) else the entrants will know their results prior to the federation trophies (Saturday night), and the host clubs prize giving (Sunday night).