purpose of the Federation shall be: -
To unite and assist all Morris Minor Clubs - To make provision for a National
Annual Convention of Member Clubs to be held as decided by the Federation -
To promote the interests of Morris Minor Clubs in NZ - To grant Trophies to
Members of Member Clubs as determined by Competition Rules - To formulate and
maintain judging criteria for National Conventions such that the criteria is extended
to encompass a wide range of Member Owners. - To make provision for information,
knowledge and technical expertise of the Minor for the benefit of Members.
Member Clubs:- AUCKLAND
| The
Auckland Morris Minor Car Club Inc | The
Secretary, PO Box 51663, Pakuranga, Auckland 2130 | ammcc@morrisminor.co.nz | CANTERBURY
| Canterbury
Morris Minor Club Inc | |
Manawatu Morris Minor Club Inc | Ann
Jayet, 391 Rongotea Rd, RD6, Palmerston North 4476 | jayet@xtra.co.nz | OTAGO
| Otago
Morris Minor Club
| Paula
Duncan | otagomorrisminorclub@gmail.com | ROTORUA
| Rotorua
Morris Minor Club Inc
| Moria
Smith, 18B Weka Street, Matamata 3400 | kiwipom83@gmail.com | SOUTH
| South
Canterbury Morris Minor Club | Joanne
Gillespie, 95 Cox Street, Geraldine 7930 | joanne.g@xtra.co.nz | TARANAKI
| Taranaki
Morris Minor Club Inc. | Alie
Bollond, 10 Hursthouse
St, New Plymouth 4310 | taranakimmc@gmail.com | WELLINGTON
| Wellington
Morris Minor Club Inc. | | |